Creative Expression

Hello! I am the owner and intuitive artist at Kelly BE. While my Healing Arts practice focuses on the wellbeing and support of others, my Creative Arts practice is one of the most potent tools in personal self-care toolbox. My work is varied and explorative; abstract painting, layered work with wax and ephemera, porcelain, and to keep it really interesting, rebuilding small vintage travel trailers.

Deeply affected by the people and places experienced while volunteering -leading teams to developing countries to connect and offer support in various ways to deserving families in underserved communities around the world, my dedicated work in 13 countries (17 projects) heavily influences the evolution and intentionality of my work.

My creative efforts are devoted to the same principles and the humanitarian work I love; connecting and serving, fostering awreness , curiosity, and empathy, and raising funds in order to fortify humanity. My aim is for my work to inspire love and curiosity; demonstrating stories and healing possibilities of the effects of global cultural and social interaction and to challenge the walls we are prone to construct between self and other.

Gallery of Work