If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Nikola Tesla

 The body is a self-healing organism, therefore you are your own best healer. I offer experiences in loving support of your healing journey; clearing pathways and raising energetic vibration allowing the healing to take place.

Through a combination of intuition, training, and experience I have developed an offering of naturally flowing experiences incorporating ancient and modern modalities and rituals in support of emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical healing and well-being.

Doors open 6:45pm. Arrive early to check-in and set up your space. We will be starting PROMPTLY at 7pm. Doors close at 7pm.

What to bring:
A open heart!
Mats and eye masks will be provided. It is recommended you bring a blanket and pillow for added comfort.

You may consider bringing a water bottle, a journal, a sacred object for intention setting, etc…

Please do not bring cellphones or other electronic devices into the session.
Please keep talking to a minimum.


What is a Sound Bath or Sound Meditation?

A Sound Bath is an immersive experience that intentionally uses waves of sound that carries vibration to slow down brainwaves into a restorative state, activating powerful self-healing within the mind, body and spirit. Sound is a universal language with ancient roots in cultures all over the world using sound and music for healing. It is nutrition for the nervous system.

The sounds during a Sound Bath are an invitation into a deeper state of consciousness. The goal of the experience is to experience deep relaxation and restoration. The instruments I bring include a selection of the following: alchemy crystal bowls, gongs, chimes, crystal harp, tongue drum, Tibetan singing bowls, sound wave, solfeggio pipes, tuning forks. 

In Sound Meditation, participants are gently guided through the meditation process, incorporating visualization techniques and gentle reminders to refocus on the breath or another anchor, such as sound. The intervals of silence within the session allow the Sound Bath to facilitate a longer and deeper state of meditation and relaxation.

Many traditional and ancient healing methods have used sound therapy to balance the chakras, expand consciousness, and promote healing. In more recent years, scientific researchers have found that sound therapy causes measurable emotional and physical responses in the body.


  • Through the power of sound and vibration, these immersive experiences promote deep relaxation, stress reduction, and a sense of calm.

  • The soothing tones and frequencies help to release tension, balance energy, and restore harmony within the body.

  • Sound baths can also enhance meditation and mindfulness practices, allowing for a deeper connection with oneself and the present moment.

  • Additionally, sound baths have been known to improve sleep quality, boost creativity, and support emotional healing.

Whether you're seeking physical rejuvenation, mental clarity, or spiritual growth, sound baths provide a unique and transformative journey towards overall well-being.


What is Reiki?
Rediscovered in the mid 1800’s by a Japanese born Buddhist monk, Dr. Mikao Usui, Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes physical and emotional healing. By guiding energy throughout the body, Reiki activates the body’s natural ability to heal itself and bring harmony from within its own systems. Reiki activates and charges the 7 energy centers which are connected to and govern different areas/organs/systems, promoting the body’s own self-healing abilities.

Group and Corporate Experiences

Private events ranging from intimate sunrise rituals and poolside meditation to escapes around the world and off the grid, Kelly facilitates powerfully effective sound meditation, energy work and other mindfulness practices and exercises that deeply support healing, clarity, focus, and relaxation.

Single event and multi-session programs are carefully curated to meet the needs and goals of the group or event.

Work With Kelly

An intimate co-generated, multi-week program to heal, balance, and fortify the mind+body+spirit. By healing where you have been, learning to thrive in the present, and manifesting where you aim to be, space is created so all that is for you can arrive with ease.